The VESTIRSI Modern Day Fairytale

ONCE UPON A TIME in a busy inner suburb of Melbourne a group of young, modern, down-to-earth Princesses all faced the same woe....
Princess A (let’s call her Amber) was so busy dancing at a Ball that she forgot where she put her new designer handbag! Princess B (let’s call he Brigitte) was at the Royal Horse Races with her new Prince and he accidentally spilt beer all over her new suede designer handbag! Princess C (let’s call her Carly) had too much Princess Punch one evening and left her new designer handbag in the back of a Uber Chariot! The Princesses were distraught – what a waste of money on these expensive designer items!
The fourth Princess, Princess M (let’s call her Monica) couldn’t quite afford a designer handbag. She was saving for a deposit for her first ever Palace, for a trip overseas to another Kingdom and for a wedding to her very own Prince Charming. She just couldn’t quite come up with $3000 for a handbag and even if she could, she wasn’t sure it was a smart idea as she’d seen first hand how much it cost to make these leather bags and she didn't want to pay for an overpriced accessory with a ridiculous mark-up.
Princess M was not content with the status quo and knew there must be a better solution. Beautiful minimal, quality bags, handmade by leather artisans. Bags the exuded elegance and style (that wouldn’t cost a deposit on a Palace!)
So she took off on a quest back to her homeland - the home of quality leather, the birth place of luxury leather goods - the Kingdom of Italy.
She was on a mission to find quality, stylish handbags fit for a Queen (or a Princess) but without the high-end designer price tag, as she wanted these bags to be accessible to all the women throughout the entire kingdom.
She wanted the best quality and the best style, at the best price. (She liked to break the rules, not the bank!) Surely that was not too much to ask? Because a Princess should be able to have her cake and eat it too, right?
And because Princess M had been touched by mental health issues in the past, as had those close to her (because even in a fairytale, life isn’t perfect) she decided to donate 10% of proceeds from the bags to women’s mental health charities throughout the Kingdom of Victoria and beyond.
And so VESTIRSI was born, for the modern down-to-earth Princess. Smart young women who know they don’t have to spend a fortune on a beautiful bag. Women who want to look amazing and help other women feel amazing in the process. Because it's cool to be kind and because when women support women, phenomenal things can happen.
And what became of them all in the end? Well, as you very well know, they all lived happily ever after.
The real-life AMBER, ERIN, CARLY, BRIGITTE, LOUISA and GRACE - the inspirations behind Monica's first VESTIRSI collection. Each bag was named after one of these special women.