In March 2020, I shared the below blog post with you all. Almost 18months later with almost half the country back in lockdown, I wanted to share it again and encourage you, if you are stuck inside the confines of your home to take a moment each day for yourself to look after your mental health. Here is one suggested strategy that might help. Good luck. Love Monica + Team VESTIRSI x
The COVID 19 virus pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we live our life, so it is likely that you might be experiencing heightened levels of stress, fear and anxiety or even simply feeling “not quite right” due to huge changes in living circumstances.
During this global crisis, when the world has found itself locked up and millions of people around the world find themselves isolated, it is more important than ever to protect our mental health.
Since the conception of VESTIRSI I have always intended this brand to be more than “Just A Bag Brand” and the bags to represent so much more than “Just A Bag”. My intention with this business has always been to create a vehicle to provide funding and support to women, specifically supporting their mental health. This is why we give 10% of net profit each year to women's mental health charities.
So, since helping women who might be struggling with their mental health is one of our core values, I would be remiss to not share with you the main strategy that I use on a daily basis (along with millions of women across the world) to manage mental health and wellbeing.
It is an App called Insight Timer.
This is not paid or sponsored, this is just a genuine recommendation for an App that has made clear and distinct improvements in my anxiety levels and mental health, and I hope it will do the same for you.
Don’t think of this as mediation. (Think of it as a short breathing exercise if that helps.)
Or, just don’t overthink it at all.
If you already have resistant voices in your head saying "This isn’t going to help me" just stop. Please, get out of your own way and take 5 minutes to try the following.
Before you can even tell yourself “I don’t like meditation” or “I can’t do meditation” “I’m not good at meditation” or “meditation doesn’t work for me” – please just try to stop those thoughts before you can overthink it and follow the below steps.
Worst case scenario. It doesn't help. Best case scenario? You feel significantly calmer, clearer, more positive and less anxious.
So, for the benefit of calming your mind, follow these steps:
- Get out your smart phone or tablet, get your headphones and download the INSIGHT TIMER app. It is FREE. (There is a paid version, but you don’t need it.)
- Click on “Guided”
- Scroll down until you see “filter by benefit”
- Sleep
- Recovery + healing
- Stress + Anxiety
- Performance
- Health + Happiness
- Relationships
- Spiritual
- Select a category that is relevant to you
- Filter by time limit
- 5min, 10mins, 15mins, 20mins, 30mins of 30mins+
- Select a program
- Put in your headphones, close your eyes and listen.
You can start with a short 5-minute session, as little as that can help. If you don't like the session you try, that's fine, tomorrow try a different one. There are thousands to choose from. If you loved the session, "bookmark" it and it will get saved in your favourites so you can repeat it another time that week. Repeat this practice for 10 days in a row and it is highly likely that you will feel calmer and less anxious.
Hate meditation? I was the same. But guess what? If you are feeling anxiety or other feelings you’ve never felt before, you may need to turn to coping strategies you’ve never used before. It’s as simple as that.
So, give it a go and calm your busy, anxious, stressed mind.
Remember, if you need further help, please google the crisis phone lines in your country for more assistance. The crisis lines in Australia are:
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
1800 RESPECT Sexual Assault and Family Violence Confidential Helpline: 1800 737 732
Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277
Stay safe and I truly hope this App is helpful to you.
Stay well and safe,
Monica x
PS - You don't have to do this activity seated. Lie on the couch or your bed if you prefer. You don't have to adopt any particular poses or wear any particular clothing. Try first thing in the morning when you wake up and are still lying in bed thinking about the day ahead, or the last thing at night when you're lying in bed trying to quiet your busy mind. Good luck x
1 comment
Thanks Vestirsi. I have been trialling insight timer to get some well needed rest while my new born sleeps.