VESTIRSI bags are only sold via our website online. Being purely online is great because we don't have to add the cost of rents and retailer mark-ups to our prices, which enables us to provide beautiful designer quality Italian leather handbags, at a more affordable price (luxury minus the luxury markup).
BUT! Being purely online means there's no way our customers can touch or feel our bags. This makes constantly photographing them in different contexts, in different outfits and different lights, vitally important to ensure you, the VESTIRSI shopper, gets as much information as possible about each bag before you decide to purchase. This way you can make an informed decision and you will (hopefully) love your bag as much as we loved making it!
So, recently, I had the pleasure of shooting some of our VESTIRSI best sellers with the incredible Melbourne based fashion photographer Tarlie Russel and our beautiful model, blogger and influencer Molly.
We took to the streets of Melbourne to shoot three of our classic best sellers, KATIE, CLAIRE and SIMONE (before moving on to shoot some new products - which I can't share yet, but promise to share soon!)
Adjusting the Simone belt
While it is without a doubt our best-selling bag, SIMONE is still a very polarising bag. It is very large (our largest bag by far) which our VESTIRSI customers seem to either love or hate. Because of its size and because it is handmade from full-grain Italian leather then lined with suede, it is a relatively heavy weighty bag. (It is 1.3kg/2.8 pounds before you put anything in it.) Which doesn't bother some people who use it daily, but does become too heavy for others.
So, the aim of the shoot was to provide more imagery and therefore more context around the size of the bag, so our customers could get a better understanding of the true size and shape of the bag and then make an educated decision on whether to invest in this beautiful leather bag.
I also wanted to take the opportunity to shoot the details on the bag, like the belt buckle and the raw, exposed edges, so customers could get a really clear idea of exactly what the bag looked like. Sometimes in-studio product shots don't show all the details of a bag, so we wanted to capture the features of the bag outside, close up and in natural light.
I also wanted to show the versatility of SIMONE. We hoped by styling the bag in a more corporate attire (as opposed to our last shoot in which we shot the model holding SIMONE in a causal white linen dress) we would more effectively show how this bag is super versatile and can "take you from your workout, to work, to work drinks without a hassle."
We then went on to shoot our CLAIRE.
Most people wear their CLAIRE in either a casual setting (with jeans) or a cocktail setting (with a black dress) but we wanted to show CLAIRE can also be worn to work! We shot CLAIRE with our model Molly in corporate wear, so our customers could see how they could style this bag with corporate office wear / office outfits if they are an office worker who doesn't carry alot to the office, or doesn't need to bring a laptop with them to work.
Molly showcasing our CLAIRE
Finally, we shot our KATIE large. At our last shoot with Molly and Tarlie we shot our KATIE small, and we are constantly trying to shoot the KATIE as much as possible to help people see the size difference between KATIE large and KATIE small.
The way I describe it to people is: KATIE small can fit an iPad, lunch box, full-sized wallet, water bottle, a small makeup pouch, phone and keys. It is very deep and roomy, but not big enough for a laptop. It is the perfect sized work bag, provided you don't need to fit in A4 folders or a laptop. If you need a bigger everyday bag (work bag, baby bag, overnight bag, gym bag) KATIE large is the one for you. KATIE large can fit everything KATIE small can fit, but can also fit in folders, notebooks, a laptop and a jumper or jacket.
Molly beautifully modeling our KATIE LARGE
We also shot some other bags which I can't show you get, but we have some other luxurious shopper totes coming soon, along with some small, chic yet super practical crossbody bags which will be launching very soon and I'll share the details as soon as I can!
Any questions? What are you excited to see from VESTIRSI next? Please leave a comment below!